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Gammon with Spiced Orange
5lb or 2.270kg serves 4 hot meals and then 4 cold meals the following day.
An elementary check – make sure gammon will sit well in saucepan, sometimes an extra deep pan is required so that the meat can be covered with water that won’t boil over the sides. Larger gammons can be cooked in a preserving pan.
We used unsmoked gammon but if you use a smoke gammon some people will put the meat in a pan and cover in cold water, take to simmering point, discard the water, replace with warm water and add the vegetables then continue as suggested in the recipe.
5 lb or 2.56kg Gammon – unsmoked
1 stick Celery – sliced
1 Carrot roughly chopped
½ large Onion – roughly chopped
Fresh Herbs – thyme and rosemary
8 Peppercorns
2 tbls Tiptree Orange Marmalade
2 tbls Demerara Sugar
3 pinches All Spice
1 Fresh Orange
8 or 10 Whole Clove
½ pint local Cider
1 x 410g tinned Apricot halves in juice
3 Parsnips
Freshly ground Black Pepper
2 pinches Allspice (optional)
1 tblsp Fresh Double Cream
Rosemary leaves

Put an inch of water in a large pan then place gammon in the pan, add celery, onion, carrot, herbs and peppercorns, add more cold water until it just covers meat.
Simmer for 2½ hrs. Check to make sure it isn’t cooking too quickly and top up with hot water if needed.
Slice oranges with peel and cut each slice in half – set aside
Set oven at 175c fan or 190c
Peel and roughly chop parsnips, cover with cold water, add pinch of salt and simmer till soft 15-20 minutes.
Drain apricot halves and place upside down on kitchen paper.
After 2½ hours remove gammon from pan and place in ovenproof dish. Carefully peel rind from fat, this leaves a rough finish which helps the glaze stick to the fat. Do not cut away fat. The rind will be hot so a piece of kitchen paper is useful.
Mix Tiptree Orange Marmalade, demerara sugar and Allspice in a small bowl; spread onto fat part of joint.
Place orange slices on top of meat with a clove to keep in place – this helps to prevent meat from drying out.
Carefully pour cider round the meat so the base of the pan is covered and put into oven.
Put apricot halves, cut side up, in an ovenproof dish and put in oven or microwave to warm through.
After 15-20 minutes remove gammon from oven – loosely cover with foil and allow to stand for a few minutes before carving.
Meanwhile, drain parsnips add black pepper and Allspice, puree with stick blender, stir in cream, adjust seasoning to taste. Spoon puree into piping bag and fill apricot halves – or just spoon into halves, garnish with rosemary leaves.
Serve gammon with apricot halves, Tiptree Cumberland Sauce and a selection of vegetables or jacket potatoes and salad.